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Old 01-27-11, 09:09 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by RobertSmalls View Post

It sounds like you recommend having an HVAC professional help you derate your burner.
My post was made to make DIY guys aware of the combustion process and all the parameters that need to be known.(in the few threads I read it wasn't discused) I wanted to post another link that explained it better but I need a few more posts to do that. Since the thread op mentioned he couldn't find a boiler expert,I thought I would point him in the direction to acquiring the knowdlege to become one himself,or at least make the readers aware of the correct process for setting up furnaces/boilers.

My only reason to be here is to share/aquire knowdlege freely.

BTW the op mentioned he had a coal boiler converted to gas. The combustion efficiency can be as low as 40% to 60%. thats means he's loosing 40 to 60 percent of the heat out the flue. Thats not good when modern boiler efficiency for gas is around 90%.

A slight change in the fuel /air ratio can drop combustion efficiency 10% or even 20%.

A burner properly burning the fuel can have 0 to no more than 5 ppm CO output. Just a slight change in the fuel or air can send carbon monoxide readings to 500,1000 or more ppm and that can't be preceived without the proper equiptment. Thats incomplete combustion. Not only is it dangerious but wastes fuel also.

All furnaces/boilers also require "Excess air" 5% to 15% for oil and 5% to 10% for gas. Now excess air is just as is sounds,air above what complete combution why is it needed,well atmospheric conditions change. It's essential for safe operation. As your excess air percentages goes higer,your combustion efficiency drops. So there are trade offs. But no one wants to sacrifce their safety for a couple percentage points of efficiency.

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